COFO26 - WFW2022

WFW2022 Special Event: A Bright Future for Forestry: Investing in youth career development

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

The forest sector is evolving, views of the sector are shifting and there is a wider variety of stakeholders engaged in forest-related issues than ever before. Forests are increasingly recognized for producing more than just wood and the trend is moving from traditional silviculture to “green” jobs.

Moving forward, it is important that youth and young professionals working in the sector are equipped with the skills to navigate this evolving sector and its challenges. At the same time, it is important for the sector to recognize the expertise and contributions of its youth, providing an enabling environment that allows young professionals to thrive and grow into the sector’s leaders.

The event will showcase success stories of programmes and projects that empower youth and young professionals, providing skills and confidence in different regions, and different areas of the sector, from management to policy. It will provide insights to and recommendations for improving career development and to promote a culture for young professionals to share their expertise and perspectives within the sector. Topics included will be initiatives and programmes to support career development and decent work in the forest sector, enhancing the attractiveness of the forest sector, improved human resource practices, policies, vocational training and education.

Topics: Forestry
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