
Youth, science and investments for Transformative Agrifood Systems Pathways (UNFSS Hub)

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Science, innovation, investments and youth engagement are critical for agrifood systems’ transformation and are a particular focus of the work of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. This event will showcase the transformative potential of specific science-based interventions, innovations and investment approaches that can support countries to implement their national Agrifood Systems pathways within their overall efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Agrifood systems leaders will provide cases, evidence and inspiring visions on how science, innovation and investments can generate multiple benefits for people, the planet and prosperity when they are combined to transform our food systems. The event will also feature the launch of the Scientific Advisory Group of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and will introduce the Youth and Indigenous Peoples focal points for the Hub. It will conclude with youth leaders from all 6 regions come together to discuss the outcomes from the months of preparations towards the WFF Youth Assembly. These outcomes will shape the way forward and express the vision youth wants to see for the future of their food systems and health of the planet.

Topics: Meeting
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