APRC37 – Ministerial Session
Rome time
The 37th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (#APRC37) is convened by FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and hosted by the Government of Sri Lanka, in the capital Colombo. Senior Officials from 46 FAO Member and Associate Member Nations met, virtually, for 3 days (31 January to 2 February 2024). This High-Level Ministerial Session (19 to 22 February 2024) will consider the findings of the SOM and adopt a report that will guide FAO’s work in the region for the next two years.
About FAO webcast
The FAO webcast page provides live transmissions of events held at FAO headquarters.
(The interpretation of proceedings serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic or verbatim record of the proceedings. Only the original speech is authentic)