FAO Regional Office for Africa

Roundtable of State actors and technical and financial partners in Côte d’Ivoire

The financing strategies for the national multisectoral plan for nutrition are paying off

A section of the participants (Photo: ©FAO/Koua Mea)

16 September 2016, Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire Partners Group has decided to make available a total amount of US$803.6 million (FCFA 401 billion) to the Government to finance its National Multisectoral Plan for Nutrition (PNMN) 2016-2020.

This initiative marked the partners’ roundtable for resource mobilization to finance the PNMN 2016-2020, which was held from 15 to 16 September 2016 by the Ivorian Government, through the National Council for Nutrition (CNN), in collaboration with the Technical and Financial Partners Group, including FAO.

The PNMN 2016-2020, approved on 11 May 2016, is a government response aiming at guaranteeing an optimal nutritional status for the entire population, with a view to improve their well-being and sustainably support an inclusive growth and development. This ambition is in line with FAO vision for food and nutrition security for all.

With an estimated budget of about US$470 million (FCFA 266.6 billion) and built around seven strategic priorities, the PNMN will be funded up to 15% by the Ivorian government, who is calling for contributions from technical and financial partners toward mobilizing the additional funding of about US$ 400 million (FCFA 227 billion).

The total amount of new or already obtained funding, as well as development projects announced by technical partners during the roundtable, will allow to better coordinate the implementation of the Plan through synergy and effective development of efficient and specific nutritional interventions that take into account the most vulnerable populations.

Nutrition: A priority of the Ivorian Government

The fight against malnutrition is one of the priorities in the National Development Plan (PND 2016-2020). For the Ivorian Government, the roundtable was in line with actions for implementing the country’s commitments in the “Scaling Up Nutrition” (SUN) Movement, which Côte d’Ivoire joined in 2013.

“Through the PNMN, Côte d’Ivoire intends to lead a fight against malnutrition, which is a real scourge that affects the learning ability of children and thereby the national human capital”, said Daniel Kablan Duncan, Ivorian Prime Minister, while launching the Sun Movement in Côte d’Ivoire on 15 September, in preparation for the roundtable.

The Ivorian Government has pledged to ensure transparency and efficiency in the management of funds announced by technical and financial partners. To achieve this, he announced the establishment of a special framework for monitoring commitments and financial flows aimed at nutrition, consistent with the monitoring system of the PND 2016-2020.