Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

On the technical package for eco-agriculture

A technical package for eco-agriculture is the assembly of multiple techniques for a functional and goal-oriented agro-ecosystem management. The resources can originate from traditional agro-practices, modern agro-practices and high-tech innovations. There are inseparable, compatible, or incompatible relationships between a single technique and a specific agro-ecosystem. Also, there are mutually dependent, complementary, compatible, effect-reducing, or even exclusive relationship between each individual component of the techniques and the specific agro-ecosystem. Only those techniques with inseparable or compatible relationship with a system are considered to form a functional technical package. Among the selected techniques, those with mutual dependence, complementary or compatibility form a complete technical package. If there is an effect-reducing relationship between a given set of techniques, they must be carefully screened. In order to adapt the system and techniques, the application of each component technique should be adjusted in terms of time, space and quantity.

Title of publication: Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Volumen: 18
N.0: 3
ISSN: 1671-3990
Intervalo de páginas: 453-457
Año: 2010
País(es): China
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: Chinese (Traditional)
Author: LUO Shiming ,
Tipo: artículo de revista

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