Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Locating ecological production in Europe

27/06/2019 - 

This interactive info graphic, launched by IFOAM EU Group and co-financed by the European Commission it permits to analyze and to compare the organic production and the market in Europe country by country.

Within the organic production section it is possible to observe the percentage of agricultural land which is organic, the type of organic land used as well as the number of producers and processors that are involved in the organic process. Regarding the retail market, its’s shown with graphics informing about the retails sales growth and the equivalent spent per capita.

Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland, are, according to the data the most organic countries in Europe. On the opposite side there is Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malta with the lowest percentage.

The data is compiled by Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), an independent, non-profit, research institute with the aim of advancing cutting-edge science in the field of organic agriculture. FiBL’s research team works together with farmers to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to boost agricultural productivity while never losing sight of environmental, health and socio-economic impacts. Alongside practical research, FiBL gives high priority to transferring knowledge into agricultural practice through advisory work, training and conferences. 


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