FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

News and Press Releases

FAO celebrates “International Day of Forests” on 21st March and organizes student debates on “Forestry in a changing world”
Forests, the ‘lungs of our planet’ need urgent attention. FAO outlines needs for sustainable forest management
21.03.2014 Bangkok, Thailand
FAO celebrates “International Day of Forests” on 21st March and organizes student debates on “Forestry in a changing world”
While it’s well recognized that forests are our future, the time needed to restore and manage them more sustainably is running short, an FAO convened meeting in Bangkok heard today. The 21st of March is International Day of Forests, and the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has marked the day by convening a forestry debate: “Forestry in a changing world!” The debate was co-organized by FAO, RECOFTC –...
Media invitation to a debate on the future management of Asia-Pacific’s threatened forests – 21st March (0800-1200). FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (39 Phra Atit Road Bangkok)
19.03.2014 Bangkok, Thailand
Forests and grasslands combined cover more than 57 percent of Asia-Pacific’s landmass, yet forests alone account for only 20 percent – and they are under threat, the FAO warns. Forests cover one third of the Earth's landmass, performing vital functions. Around 1.6 billion people - including indigenous cultures - depend on forests for their livelihoods. Forests are the most biologically-diverse ecosystems on land, home to more than half of the terrestrial...
Initiatives being adopted in the Asia-Pacific region to improve the environmental sustainability of agricultural activity must include ways and means to reduce the gap between wealthy urban areas and the poorer countryside, the FAO has stressed. In many cases, the failure to address the question of lower farm incomes is at the heart of a decline in smaller farms and may results in increased urbanization and social upheaval. As countries attempt to...
Asia-Pacific countries adopt roadmap to push toward goal of zero hunger and improvements in food security
Regional Conference adopts FAO work priorities for Asia and the Pacific
14.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Asia-Pacific countries adopt roadmap to push toward goal of zero hunger and improvements in food security
Governments from 41 countries across Asia and the Pacific today concluded a five day regional conference on improving their responses to future food security challenges and moves to put an end to hunger. At its conclusion, the Ministers and Heads of Delegations of the Thirty-Second FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC), with some 164 delegates, endorsed four FAO regional initiatives. The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Industry...
As hunger retreats in Asia and the Pacific, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization goes on the offensive
FAO Director-General addresses Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific
13.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
As hunger retreats in Asia and the Pacific, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization goes on the offensive
From a quick response to natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines to its four regional pro-active food security initiatives, a renewed FAO is well positioned to help member states across Asia and the Pacific defeat hunger and food insecurity, the FAO’s Director-General said today. With Asia and the Pacific largely on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion of those suffering from chronic hunger by...
Erosion of forests and grasslands triggers alarm bells in Asia and the Pacific
FAO urges member countries to consider restoration programmes
12.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Erosion of forests and grasslands triggers alarm bells in Asia and the Pacific
Forest loss and degradation remain major problems confronting the Asia-Pacific region which, if not addressed, will leave future generations a legacy of damaged ecosystems and irrecoverable losses of biodiversity, FAO is warning.  Forest and grasslands cover 57.5 percent of Asia-Pacific’s massive land surface and provide vital ecosystems that support agriculture and livelihoods, which in turn ensure food security and nutrition for billions of people. These lands offer vast potential to...
FAO Director-General urges all countries in Asia and the Pacific to take up the National Zero Hunger Challenge
José Graziano da Silva calls for “massive effort” to bring a lasting end to hunger in the region
12.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
FAO Director-General urges all countries in Asia and the Pacific to take up the National Zero Hunger Challenge
The mission for an end to hunger in the world’s most populous region received a boost today, with FAO member countries responding positively to a call by the Organization’s Director-General for a “massive effort” to end hunger in Asia and the Pacific. Speaking during a side event at the Thirty-Second FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, pointed out the “remarkable results” achieved in...
Climate change threatening small island countries and posing a danger to food security in landlocked states
Mongolia Ministry of Industry and Agriculture convenes high-level forum to discuss remedial action – 10 Government Ministers attend
12.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
While the environments of small islands in the Pacific and landlocked countries with no access to the sea may seem polar opposites, they share common problems that need collaborative efforts to address and resolve if food security is to be guaranteed for future generations, a specially convened meeting in the Mongolian capital has heard. Concerns about the effects of climate change on agricultural production has brought together some 50 delegates including...
Pacific Island Countries urged to produce more healthy local foods at competitive prices
Improving prospects for local producers of non-processed foods would also help tackle widespread obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases
11.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Pacific Island Countries urged to produce more healthy local foods at competitive prices
Retail food outlets in Pacific island countries are increasingly selling imported processed foods that are pricing locally produced, healthier foods out of the market and affecting the health of islanders, FAO warned today. In order to restore a viable market for local food producers and reduce demand on imported products, a policy-driven, multi-sector approach is required, FAO said in a discussion paper being presented at its 32nd Regional Conference for Asia...
Rice is life: A regional rice strategy for sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific
Asians produce and consume 90 percent of the world’s rice
11.03.2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Rice is life: A regional rice strategy for sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific
Faced with growing threats to rice production, countries in Asia and the Pacific are engaging in a Regional Rice Strategy, initiated by FAO last year at the request of member States, and further discussed during a side event at the Organization’s 32nd Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, held 10 -14 March. “Rice is life,” said Hiroyuki Konuma, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific. “More...