
Do you have a grievance or suggestion about an FAO project? Use the project-specific Grievance Redress Mechanism, or contact . If a grievance cannot be resolved through project management/technical level, please contact the Office of the Inspector General (Investigations).

Country Leaflet

SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
TCP/MCD/4001 Support to resolving private-public co-ownership to improve agricultural land management and land tenure in the Pelagonija region 2024 2026497,000$
TCP/MCD/3904 Technical Assistance for the development of a National E-Agriculture Strategy 2024 2025120,000$
TCP/MCD/3901 Enhancing land consolidation through support to the process of national strategic planning 2023 2025320,000$
TCP/MCD/3902 Technical Assistance for aligning of the National Animal Health and Food Safety system to the standards of the European Union 2023 2025150,000$
TCP/MCD/3903 TCPF: Technical Assistance for strengthening the national capacity of the forest service 2023 2025100,000$
SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
GCP /MCD/010/GCR Strengthening capacities and developing strategic frameworks for low carbon and climate resiliance 2023 2026583,613$
GCP /MCD/008/EC Enhancing Land Consolidation in North Macedonia 2022 20261,053,740$