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Country Leaflet

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SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
TCP/MON/4001 Innovative evidence-based solutions and investments in agri-food systems transformation in Mongolia in the context of Hand in Hand initiative 2024 2026497,000$
TCP/MON/4002 Enhancement of resilience of pastoral livelihoods and reduction of vulnerability to future disasters in Mongolia 2024 2025500,000$
TCP/MON/3905 Improving the food safety and supply systems of the school lunch programme 2023 2025115,000$
TCP/MON/3904/C2 TCPF: Technical assistance in improving methods for estimating livestock production and productivity 2023 202499,000$
TCP/MON/3902 Strengthening food safety and plant health protection systems 2022 2024250,000$
TCP/MON/3903 Support to the formulation of Medium-Term Policy Framework for export oriented and sustainable agriculture sector development (2023-2027) 2022 2024248,000$
SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
GCP /MON/029/EC Sustainable Ecosystem and Agriculture Management for Rural Development in Mongolia (STREAM+) 2024 20285,359,057$
GCP /MON/11377/GFF Enhancing climate change transparency in Mongolia (FSP) 2024 20271,776,484$
GCP /MON/11114P/GFF Rehabilitating& conserving the mountain landscapes in Khangai region of Mongolia for improved ecosystem services and community livelihoods (PPG) 2024 2025100,000$
GCP /MON/025/USA Enhancing production and market access of vegetables to support economic diversification in Mongolia 2023 20261,979,539$
GCP /MON/018/GFF Promoting Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Steppe Mongolia (FSP) 2021 20262,677,293$
UNJP/MON/026/UNJ One Health approach to manage Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) in Mongolia 2023 2025360,000$
UNJP/MON/022/UND SDG-Aligned Budgeting to transform employment in Mongolia 2021 20241,612,260$