
Do you have a grievance or suggestion about an FAO project? Use the project-specific Grievance Redress Mechanism, or contact . If a grievance cannot be resolved through project management/technical level, please contact the Office of the Inspector General (Investigations).

Country Leaflet

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SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
TCP/DOM/3904/C1 Escalamiento del Proyecto Entorno Escolar Saludable a Través de Estrategias Innovadoras para el Fortalecimiento del PAE 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/DOM/4001 Promoviendo Sistemas Alimentarios eficientes y resilientes en República Dominicana 2024 2025404,000$
TCP/DOM/3902 Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Inocuidad y Gestión de Plaguicidas en República Dominicana, 2023 2024250,000$
TCP/DOM/3903 Rehabilitación de medios de vida agropecuarios y pesqueros afectados por el huracán Fiona en la provincia Samaná, República Dominicana 2023 2024470,000$
SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
UNFA/DOM/021/UND Mainstreaming Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Productive Landscapes in Threatened Forested Mountainous Areas 2021 2024755,050$
UTF /DOM/031/DOM Agricultura resiliente y gestión integrada de recursos hídricos en la República Dominicana 2023 20262,650,000$
UTF /DOM/027/DOM Hábitos alimentarios saludables en familias beneficiarias del proyecto PRORURAL Inclusivo y Resiliente 2023 202576,000$
UTF /DOM/025/DOM Innovación tecnológica y mecanismos financieros para transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios hacia modelos sostenibles en la República Dominicana 2022 2024300,000$
GCP /DOM/11402P/GFF Land Degradation Neutrality for Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Dominican Republic (PPG) 2024 202560,000$
GCP /DOM/11402P/SCF Land Degradation Neutrality for Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Dominican Republic (PPG) 2024 202590,000$
GCP /DOM/026/USA Accelerating the control and eradication of African Swine Fever through a national biosecurity program for the pig value chain in the Dominican Republic 2023 20254,208,610$
UNJP/DOM/030/UNO Strengthening Coastal Community Resilience to Transnational Organized Crime 2023 2024145,627$
OSRO/DOM/100/WFP Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic 2021 2024300,000$