FAO in Egypt


Qena, Egypt - As part of the project on Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity activities, 50 sugarcane farmers from the villages of Al-Makhadamah and Al-Klahin in Qena Governorate participated in an Ask an Expert session on modern irrigation systems and sugarcane cultivation with seedlings as part of the farmers' field school...
Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt - Within the framework of the activities of the project on Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity, a training course was held discussing modern irrigation methods in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. < This training is part of the series of Farmer field Schools taking place to fully capacitate farmers on...
Cairo, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and The Embassy of Norway signed today an agreement on the implementation of the project “Improved Socio-economic Status, Food Security and Empowerment of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Minya Governorate”. The project will be implemented in collaboration with...
Cairo, Egypt - a progress meeting was held to discuss the latest updates of the project on Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity, which is being implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in collaboration with the National Water Research Center (NWRC), and Tottori University, ICARDA, NWRC and RCTWS and funded...
Menia, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) team co-organized with Regional Training Center for Water Resources and Irrigation “RCTWS”, a training targeting two groups of farmers from Menia under the "Enhancing Agriculture Water Productivity Project" funded by Japan. The training focused on management and irrigation modernization to pave...