Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Perception of climate change and farm level adaptation choices in central Kenya

Farmers are experiencing the need to adapt to climate change, and are developing different strategies. This article contributes to the understanding of farmers’ adaptation choices, their determinants and their implications, in relation to the household income. In 2014, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and 220 household surveys were carried out with farmers in coffee and food crop zones in Central Kenya. The Heckmanmodel was used to evaluate the determinants of adaptation choices and their marginal effect. Farmers from the coffee zone or fromthe food crop zone perceive and adapt differently to climate change. Farmers who are aware of changes in climate are more willing to explore  adaptation strategies. A positive relationship is found between adaptation to climate change and household income. The highest payoff/return is achieved if multiple adaptation choices are used rather than a single strategy. The choices of strategies are also  determined by household characteristics, resource endowment, institutional variables, and climate information. The strong correlation between socio-institutional variables and adaptation capacity suggests the need for the establishment and strengthening of local institutions, such as micro-finance and extension.

Title of publication: Cahiers Agricultures
Volumen: 26
N.0: 2
ISSN: 1777-5949
Intervalo de páginas: 25003
Autor: Kinfe Asayehegn
Otros autores: Ludovic Temple, Berta Sanchez, Ana Iglesias
Organización: SupAgro Montpellier
Otras organizaciones: CIRAD, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Año: 2017
País(es): Kenya
Cobertura geográfica: East African Community (EAC)
Tipo: Artículo de revista especializada
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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