Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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AGRI challenge: sustainable pome and stone fruit

Costantino is one of the farmers in the Operational Group SISCCCA. The project develops sustainable integrated systems to control the brown marmorated stink bug.
2022 - EIP-AGRI Support Facility

Why Legumes are Necessary for the Agroecological Transition

Legumes are a special group of plant species that includes crops such as peas, beans, and clovers. Legumes are unique because they require no synthetic nitrogen fertiliser to grow and once they are harvested, the nitrogen-rich crop residues can be left in the field as manure. This process further offsets...
2022 - Agroecology Europe

How to organise a field day

In this LIVESEED video, Riccardo Bocci from Rete Semi Rurali (IT) explains how to organise a field day. LIVESEED is a EU Horizon 2020-funded project that runs from 2017 to 2021. LIVESEEED aims to improve transparency and competitiveness of the organic seed and breeding sector, encouraging greater use of organic...
2021 - LiveSeed

Strengthening livestock production chains based on species-rich forages to overcome meat and dairy sector and improve sustainability of livestock farm

The project consists of seven WPs and 32 activities aimed to:- study the status and potential of milk and meat supply chains based on species rich grasslands- improve the organization and efficiency of the supply chains based on species rich grasslands, and implement innovative solutions in the farms- develop an...
2021 - Eip Agri, Agriculture & Innovation

Blog article
Letter From The Farm | Three Years In: Realism And Planning For Utopia

Back on Chiara Garini’s forest farm at the foot of the Italian Alps. Three years in, her mushroom farm and forest garden is at a crossroads: should she expand or diversify? In any case Chiara is determined to bring utopia into her business plan, and tells us about an exciting...
2021 - Arc2020

Blog article
Pastoral schools on the rise: Italy welcomes the “Scuola Nazionale di Pastorizia”

Transferring pastoral knowledge to preserve vibrant rural areas Over millennia, pastoral societies have accumulated knowledge and skills on how to successfully manage pastoral systems. Their work contributes to maintain vibrant rural areas, benefitting the rural economy and reversing land abandonment, while it also unlocks multiple ecosystem services for the whole society. Yet,...
2021 - EuroMontana

Blog article
New “rooftop farm” at FAO highlights how innovative technology can help safeguard agro-biodiversity

Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today unveiled a prototype rooftop farm at its Rome headquarters, an initiative that highlights how innovative technology contributes to making agri-food systems more sustainable and to increasing access to healthy diets.The farm will help explore the potential of...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

SureVeg Project

SUREVEG will develop and implement new diversified, resource-efficient and intensive vegetable cropping systems. The systems are based on strip-cropping, and fertility strategies combined from recycling of waste and plant-based soil-improvers and fertilizers. The purpose is to meet the needs of the organic vegetable sector comprising ecological intensification, resilience, fertilization, resource-efficiency and biodiversity. Field...
Belgium - Denmark - Finland - Italy - Latvia - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Spain
2021 - Aarhus University, Denmark

Mountain farming systems - seeds for the future: Sustainable agricultural practices for resilient mountain livelihoods

This publication presents a collection of case studies by Mountain Partnership (MP) members from around the world, highlighting experiences of agroecological mountain farming systems. It aims to increase attention toward agroecological principles and approaches and showcase their potential. The MP, the only United Nations global voluntary alliance dedicated to sustainable...
Armenia - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - China - India - Italy - Kyrgyzstan - Morocco - Nepal - Panama - Peru - Philippines - Portugal - Romania - Sierra Leone - Switzerland - Thailand - United Republic of Tanzania - Viet Nam
2021 - FAO

Valdibella Cooperative: restoring the dignity to Sicilian farmers in Italy by preserving biodiversity and native crops

It has been since 1998 that Valdibella Cooperative is working in Camporeale, Italy to create and spread alternatives to the food system in Sicily. With more than 30 members, Valdibella Cooperative aims at restoring dignity to farmers by promoting concrete actions against commercial and labour exploitation and by applying organic agricultural methods...
2021 - Valdibella Cooperative

Blog article
Access Agriculture wins International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food and Agriculture

Access Agriculture has won the prestigious International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food and Agriculture in the category “Award for innovations that empower youth in sustainable food systems” based on its model of young entrepreneurs.
2021 - Access Agriculture

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the quality control for the production of extra virgin olive oil

Despite the raise of awareness on the use of pesticides during the last 30 years, pesticide industries grew up thanks to the lack of information about the real damage these products could cause on the environment, human health and on producers’ incomes. The lack of knowledge using large and small...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Observations on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on farmers

Case of Italy
As countries report mounting cases of the COVID-19, the outbreak presents them and the global community with unprecedented challenges in recent times. FAO monitors the experience of those heavily affected by the pandemic looking at the immediate impacts and the mitigation measures of countries in responding to the crisis. Drawing...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Italy – Digitalisation, Diverse Farms and Rural Resilience

Digital tools that suit the complexity of diversified farms and meet their specific needs can bring new challenges. Once these are overcome, however, they can contribute to farm resilience and viability. Meet two Italian farm enterprises and see how their stories and narratives show that digitalisation means not only access...
2020 - ARC2020

BIOSOCIAL_Small farm organic vegetable production as integrated model between production and local social impact

The proposed operative group (GO) intends to set up a new circular local economy model, which combines the profitability of farms with social productivity: the valorization of horticultural genetic resources will be based on minimum technological input and on production schedule according to the needs of the community expressed by...

Journal article
Participatory research for sustainable agriculture: the case of the Italian agroecological rice network

Since the Green Revolution, worldwide agriculture has been characterized by a typical top–down approach. The degree of autonomy, creativity, and responsibility of farmers has been limited by the continuous external inputs of chemicals, machinery, advice, subsidies and knowledge. The issue of sustainability has brought complexity and uncertainty to this mainly linear...
2020 - European Journal of Futures Research

The Global Launch of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028)

27-29 May, 2019
Provisional AgendaThe Global Launch of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028)27-29 May, 2019FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Improving Capacity for Fisheries Planning and Management in the South-Central Mediterranean

The project successfully reinforced the basis for the cooperative management of shared multispecies fisheries in the four MedSudMed participating countries: Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia. This was achieved through the implementation of subregional research programmes, the establishment of scientific networks, and improved national capacity building. Fisheries scientists and staff in...
Italy - Libya - Malta - Tunisia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cetaceans-Fisheries Interactions in the Med

The initiative involves the close collaboration between scientists and fishers, combining fishers local and experiential knowledge with scientific information in the quest for solutions.
Italy - Malta - Spain
2019 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Farm-Success project newsletter – 4th edition

Welcome to the final newsletter from the Farm-Success project!Since you last heard from us we have been carrying out the final adjustments, tests, and translations to our online training platform. We have also held several multiplier events across Europe in which young farmers and other stakeholders have discussed the importance of succession processes...
Belgium - Czechia - Italy - Slovenia - Spain
Total results:166
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