FAOLEX Database

Iceland - Fisheries - See more

Date of original text: 11 June 2008 (01 July 2015)
Date of original text: 26 May 1997 (01 January 2009)
Date of original text: 27 December 1996 (01 January 2009)
Date of original text: 15 May 1990 (10 August 2006)
Date of text: 15 June 2022
Date of original text: 18 December 2018 (23 December 2019)
Date of original text: 23 June 2011 (26 June 2018)
Date of original text: 11 June 2008 (09 July 2020)
Date of original text: 01 July 2006 (2011)
Date of original text: 14 June 2006 (09 July 2020)
Date of text: 14 June 2006
Date of original text: 18 June 1998 (25 June 2019)
Date of original text: 26 May 1997 (09 July 2020)
Date of original text: 27 December 1996 (09 July 2020)
Date of original text: 03 June 1996 (01 January 2009)
Date of original text: 03 June 1996 (09 July 2020)
Date of original text: 27 May 1992 (09 July 2020)
Date of original text: 27 May 1992 (23 May 2018)
Date of original text: 03 May 1949 (28 December 2012)
Date of text: 31 January 2022