FAOLEX Database

Jamaica - Water - See more

Date of original text: 22 August 1963 (2005)
Date of original text: 23 November 1949 (2004)
Date of original text: 01 April 1996 (1998)
Date of original text: 13 March 1958 (1998)
Date of original text: 1889 (1997)
Date of original text: 01 April 1963 (1993)
Date of original text: 25 April 1995 (2010)
Date of original text: 03 January 1984 (2004)
Date of original text: 25 July 1913 (1997)
Date of original text: 06 March 1958 (1986)
Date of original text: 14 November 1984 (1985)
Date of original text: 20 March 1911 (1981)
Date of original text: 20 February 1970 (1973)
Date of original text: 01 September 1995 (2007)
Date of original text: 1970 (2000)
Date of text: 06 November 1995
Date of original text: 14 March 1974 (1982)
Date of original text: 04 April 1949 (1976)