FAOLEX Database

نيجيريا - agricultural and rural development - See more

Date of original text: 1999 (12 February 2013)
Date of text: 25 August 1993
Date of original text: 07 May 1992 (1999)
Date of text: 28 April 1990
Date of original text: 1987 (12 February 2013)
Date of original text: 08 March 1977 (2004)
Date of original text: 1977 (12 February 2013)
Date of original text: 24 July 1967 (1990)
Date of text: 15 October 1959
Date of original text: 02 September 2004 (25 February 2013)
Date of original text: 06 March 1979 (25 February 2013)
Date of text: 27 August 1991
Date of text: 01 August 1991