Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs


En Afghanistan, 100 facilitateurs de Champs Ecole des Producteurs (CEP) pour l'élevage et 60 pour le blé ont été formés en 2023 dans cinq régions par les maîtres formateurs nationaux de la FAO, et ils ont déjà commencé à...

Production system: Livestock Cereals

What has been the impact of FFS over the past 15 years?

What are the core domains of FFS impact: productivity, input use, adaptation to climate change, people’s empowerment, gender…?

How is impact measured – and what could be improved?...

Production system:

FAO has published a new Blue Growth blog post online, entitled  Strengthening integrated aquatic plant and animal farming in the rice fields of Lao PDR.

The innovative “Blue Growth” field work done in Lao PDR was supported within context of...

Production system: Aquaculture

Livestock Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) are “schools without walls” where groups of small-scale livestock producers test and adapt good agricultural and marketing practices that help them to sustainably improve their, and their families’, livelihoods. Over the past two decades, Livestock...

Production system: Livestock Large Ruminants
Cebu, Philippines, 5-9 June 2017

A Refresher Training of Trainers on Soil Health in Rice-based Farming Systems was held in Cebu City, Philippines on 5-9 June 2017. A total of 25 participants (12 women) participated in the workshop.

The second of a...

Production system: Cereals
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