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Southern Africa

Le phénomène climatique El Niño compromet la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique australe. Avec 70 % de la population dépendant de l'agriculture, la hausse des températures et les sécheresses sévères menacent la région. Le Zimbabwe, après le Malawi et la Zambie,...

Production system: Crops

KULIMA, a 5-year programme funded by the European Union and FAO and in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development of Malawi, has proven its success with its first harvest of healthy bunches of bananas.

Malawi’s banana industry has...

Production system: Fruits and Nuts

What has been the impact of FFS over the past 15 years?

What are the core domains of FFS impact: productivity, input use, adaptation to climate change, people’s empowerment, gender…?

How is impact measured – and what could be improved?...

Production system:

FAO Malawi is set to kick-off three Farmer Field School (FFS) master trainer’s courses that will run from 8 October 2018 to 28 February 2019 . These courses aim to impart knowledge and skills to 90 government and non-governmental organization (NGO)...

Production system:

Story from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in South Africa on a recent FFS pilot project conducted in two provinces of the country (Limpopo for vegetables and Northern Cape for livestock). 


The Farmer Field School project in South Africa...

Production system: Vegetables and Melons
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