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Integrated pest management

Pour lutter contre les ravageurs des cultures, les Etats des pays du CILSS, dont le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Sénégal, ont mis en place une politique d'achat centralisé de grandes quantités de pesticides destinés à la filière coton....

Production system:

30 agriculteurs de six districts (Musanze, Rulindo, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Rwamagana et Kayonza) ont reçu leur diplôme le 10 février 2022 dans le district de Musanze, au nord du Rwanda. Ces apprentis ont acquis un large éventail de compétences dans l'agriculture...

Production system:

The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control
has the pleasure of inviting you to the webinar:
Nature-based solutions for fall armyworm management
19 May 2021
14.00 – 15.30 hours (Central European Time, CET/GMT +1)

Production system:

The third webinar of the series examines integrated approaches for sustainable management of transboundary diseases and crop pests and their implications for agri-food system sustainability, social inclusion and gender equity. Drawing on both successes and enduring challenges, experts will identify...

Production system:

As the good rains came down, one would expect the arable farmers’ smiles to last a little bit longer but the high infestation of the Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) has since wiped the smiles from Botswana farmers. The invasion of...

Production system: Crops
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