28 August 2024
En Afghanistan, 100 facilitateurs de Champs Ecole des Producteurs (CEP) pour l'élevage et 60 pour le blé ont été formés en 2023 dans cinq régions par les maîtres formateurs nationaux de la FAO, et ils ont déjà commencé à...
20 April 2021 - 22 April 2021
197 extension workers and lead farmers graduate from farmer field school master trainers’ course
June was a celebratory month at Mzuzu, Lisasadzi and Thuchila Residential Training Centres (RTCs) with 197 extension workers and lead farmers graduating from season-long Farmer Field School...
This June 20 marks the opening of the celebrations of 30 years of Farmer Field Schools: farmers empowerment and changes towards sustainable and resilient food systems will be at heart of the discussions!
Initiated by FAO in Asia,...
25 January 2019 - 25 July 2019
For a whole season, 20 faculty staff of the Pwani University will receive a training to be certified as FS Mastrer Trainers (MTs). This training of Master Trainers is part of the project "Institutionalization of Field Schools (FS) in Extension Curricula...