Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

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Agricultural production is the mainstay of Rwanda, with the majority of the country's population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods. In recent years, rapid population growth and limited potential farmland have led to tremendous pressure on soils. In Rwanda, unsustainable soil management practices have led to soil acidification and erosion, as well as a decline in crop yields and quality.


Del 19 al 22 de junio de 2023, se celebró la décima asamblea regional de la Alianza por el Suelo de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (ASLAC), un evento crucial para la promoción de sistemas agroalimentarios resilientes y suelos sanos en la región. Esta asamblea reunió a expertos y líderes de 23 países latinoamericanos comprometidos en la gestión sostenible de los suelos, con el objetivo de establecer una agenda integral que abordara los desafíos y oportunidades relacionados con este recurso vital. Organizada por la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo de la FAO, en colaboración con la Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de México.



Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), like other regions of the world, faces the problem of major forest fires every year. This complex phenomenon endangers the lives of people and social environments (rural populations, urban-rural interface communities and firefighting services), as well as seriously affecting the environment, rural development and different sectors of the local and regional economy.  


Innovations to re-carbonize soils, improve soil health and enhance water use efficiency take centre stage at the Science and Innovation Forum
