The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Assessing and enhancing capacities to restore ecosystems globally - UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

28/10/2020 28/10/2020

The online event ‘Assessing and enhancing capacities to restore ecosystems globally’ will take place on 28 October from 15:00 to 15:45 during the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World-One Health. The session will be held by the Task Force on Best Practices which is a group of 85 members from 32 global leading organizations in the field of knowledge capitalization and dissemination in support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.

One of the objectives of the Task force, led by FAO, is to conduct a Capacity Needs Assessment and identify what and whose “system-wide capacities” need to be enhanced to achieve the goals of the Decade. As part of the preparatory process, this interactive session will be the occasion to raise awareness about the Capacity Needs Assessment, engage grassroots organizations, and more specifically, to gain critical feedback on the proposed methodology that includes a stakeholder mapping and network analysis, and a questionnaire encompassing multiple dimensions of capacity. If you would like to be actively engaged in the Capacity Needs Assessment, please follow this link so that we can contact you after the session (Please note that even if you cannot join the session, you can also provide your information!)

For more information please click here to access to the white paper of the session, or contact the FLRM team. 

Register now here.