Incentives for Ecosystem Services

Voluntary investments - de-linked to input

Récompenses pour services écosystémiques:

Récompenses pour la protection, la restauration ou l’amélioration des services écosystémiques par les fournisseurs. Elles peuvent comprendre un accès aux marchés, une reconnaissance sociale, une assistance pour les projets communautaires tels que les écoles et les régimes fonciers, etc.

Labels marketing (sans certificats ou standards):

Attribution de labels écologiques à des produits ou services produits de façon durable et vendus à des consommateurs ou des revendeurs qui choisissent de soutenir des fournisseurs responsables. Les critères peuvent être axés sur les bénéfices sociaux (rémunération juste et équitable des producteurs) et/ou la santé environnementale (production biologique n’utilisant pas de pesticides ou d’herbicides).

Normes culturelles et sociales:

Les normes culturelles et sociales, les traditions et les coutumes encouragent les comportements favorables à l’environnement.



Incentive mechanism to conserve agrobiodiversity, Peru: Communities are rewarded with in-kind benefits, such as agricultural equipment and school materials, to preserve agricultural biodiversity by cultivating threatened varieties of quinoa and collecting 2% of production for seed conservation.

Marketing labels (without certificates or standards):

Eco-labelling of sustainably produced products or services sold to consumers or retailers who prefer to support responsible suppliers.

Criteria can be focused on social benefits (equitable and just remuneration of producers) and/ or environmental health (organic production without use of agro-chemicals).



Rainforest Alliance: Conserves valuable forest land by promoting sustainable farming practices for coffee, cocoa and black tea.


FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs), EU: Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPAs) is a scheme to ensure that only legally harvested timber is imported into the EU from countries agreeing to participate in this scheme. VPAs include commitments and action from both parties to halt trade in illegal timber, notably with a licence scheme to verify the legality of timber imported into the EU. The VPAs also promote better enforcement of forest law and promote an inclusive approach involving civil society and the private sector. VPAs are currently signed with: Ghana, the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Indonesia, the Central African Republic and Liberia. 

Cultural and social norms:

Cultural and social norms, traditions and customs provide incentives for pro-environmental behaviours.



Lombok, Indonesia: Traditional customs, adat, and social norms are used by community leaders to motivate communities to protect upland forests to ensure the continued supply of water for downstream communities.