Земельные и водные ресурсы

New WaPOR publication "Water accounting in the Awash River Basin" available online

This report provides the water accounting study for the Awash River Basin in the central Rift Valley of Ethiopia which experiences water scarcity.

Indeed, the Awash River Basin is the most utilized river basin in Ethiopia hosting most of the industrial activities in the country, a number of small to large scale irrigation schemes and the main population centres of the country with more than 18.6 million people. The basin faces high water stress during the peak of the irrigation season and frequent flooding in rainy seasons.

As the duration, completeness and quality of the hydro-meteorological records from the basin are insufficient to draw an appropriate picture of the water resources conditions, a water accounting study has been carried out by IHE Delft using WaPOR, FAO’s portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data, to gain full insights into the state of the water resources in the basin for the period from 2009 to 2018.

Read the publication "Water accounting in the Awash river Basin"

For more information on WaPOR, visit the WaPOR website