Regreening Thousand Hills in Rwanda's Wetlands towards 2020
The government of Rwanda, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization partner in programmes for a wiser use of Wetlands for food security. It is an uphill task, but in the highlands and the lowlands, Rwanda is slowly but surely restoring the slopes of its thousand hills. Many of them are green once more, but still in poor condition due to environmental degradation, mainly caused by human activity and the ravages of the war and genocide of 1994. Determined to carve a brighter future and backed by strong political will, this country in Africa's Great

17min. 16sec.
Sujet(s): Développement rural ou agricole, Eau & irrigation, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: Fid�le Mpabwanimana, Liliane Kambirigi
Référence: 8686