Resource Mobilization

Improving Food and Environmental Security in Ghana

Agriculture is the most important sector for the economy of Ghana, and for its continued growth, the use and management of agricultural inputs, such as pesticides, had to be improved. Since 2009, obsolete pesticides have been stored in the temporary storage facility at the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate office, close to a water body that provides water for the surrounding communities. The poor storage of stockpiles posed a severe risk to people's health and the environment. Therefore, this project was implemented to dispose of the hazardous chemicals and build the institutional capacity to manage them in the future, in order to strengthen the agricultural sector in Ghana and improve food security.


To safely remove and dispose of the stockpile of obsolete pesticides from the temporary storage facility, guidance, training and technical support were provided. Institutional capacities of the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate, Environmental Protection Agency and CropLife were built. Key staff members were trained in the Pesticide Stock Management System and methodologies to safely handle and repackage hazardous materials. Agriculture extension agents and farmers were trained on pesticide container management in five regions (Ashanti, BrongAhafo, Eastern, Volta and Western) and 50 pesticide disposal bins were provided.


The disposal of hazardous, obsolete pesticides contributed to the broader objectives of improved chemical management and sustainable agricultural production in Ghana, while improving the environment and health of those who work and live near the temporary storage facility. The technical training provided helped ensure that farmers and key staff members can manage pesticides and their containers properly and that these practices can be replicated in other regions. Better pesticide management will also work towards mitigating climate change and improving agriculture and food security in Ghana.


  • 25 tonnes of obsolete pesticides and empty pesticide containers were removed from the temporary storage facility and properly disposed of.
  • 50 Environmental Protection Agency and Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate inspectors were trained on the Pesticide Act and Regulations and usage of Pesticide Stock Management System methodologies to handle and repackage hazardous materials safely.
  • 160 farmers and agriculture extension agents were trained on Fall Armyworm control and pesticide management.
  • 107 participants were trained on pesticide container management.
  • 300 farmers were trained on the responsible use of pesticides and proper handling of pesticide containers.
  • 317 participants were sensitized and trained on the Pesticide Act and Regulations and pesticide container management
  • 50 metal pesticide container bins were fabricated for the collection of empty pesticide containers and distributed in the five regions.
  • A pesticide registration system was established, and pesticide disposal protocols were developed.
  • A communication and awareness strategy was created, and five radio stations were reached for the sensitization of farmers and the public on safe pesticide management.
Project symbol: TCP/GHA/3503
Project title: Support for the safe disposal of obsolete pesticides
Contact: FAO Representation in Ghana