
Presentation and debate by FAO on food and nutrition security agenda

Parliamentary alliances

Presentation to the Pan-African Parliament plenary by representatives from FAO: Mr. David Phiri, FAO Sub-Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa, Ms Carolyn Rodrigues Birkett, Special Coordinator for Parliamentary Alliances (FAO Rome) and Mr Mawuli Sablah, Chief Technical Advisor CAADP Nutrition, FAO Regional Office for Africa.


FAO and China launch new South-South Cooperation Program in Democratic Republic of Congo

South-south Cooperation

FAO, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo have signed a two year agreement worth almost $1.5 million aimed at increasing food and nutrition security in the conflict-ravaged African nation.

Liu Zhongwei, Coordinator of the FAO-China SSC programme, illustrates priority interventions and implementation strategy.

Introducing South-South and Triangular Cooperation

South-south Cooperation

South-South Cooperation (SSC) at FAO is a powerful tool to facilitate partnerships, foster innovations, and promote the scaling-up of development solutions. SSC Officers explain the strategy and goals in this short film.