Plateforme des Connaissances Pastorales


You might not expect it, but over 25 percent of the world’s forests are in drylands!
When you think of drylands, do you think of miles of empty, barren desert? Well, think again! Drylands are actually a unique type of ecosystem characterised by water scarcity and low precipitation. Plants and animals here survive on little water, adapted...

Within Maasai pastoralist communities, milk provides a rich source of nutrients and income, especially for women, and plays a central role in cultural and religious ceremonies. Having milk means having livestock, and having livestock means the continuation of the Maasai...
Women livestock keepers develop their skills and a greater sense of community
The area of Bamyan in central Afghanistan is located right in the middle of what was known as the Silk Road and used to be a strategic resting point for travellers and merchants. It was meeting point of cultures and...
The 2020 Partners’ Meeting of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub opened its doors to all interested people
Almost 200 relevant stakeholders interested in pastoralism – among them over 30 partners of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub (PKH) – met virtually from 8 to 10 December 2020, to share and recognize the efforts accomplished towards sustainable pastoralism. The diversity...

FAO Director-General addresses high-level panel on fifth anniversary of Paris Agreement