Plateforme des Connaissances Pastorales


The Constitution of Kenya (2010) and the County Government Act requires that every county must develop geo-reference information in  planning which includes geographic information system (GIS) based County Spatial Plans and that the five-year County Integrated Development Plans (CIDP). It...

Live animal movement is a major cause of the introduction or dissemination of livestock and wildlife infectious diseases, whether through local and international trade-related transportation or through traditional herd movement. Understanding animal movement can greatly assist veterinary services in controlling...
Raising awareness for greater understanding of links between conflict, peace and food security
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) held a workshop on “The Peacebuilding Fund – FAO engagement and opportunities” in Nairobi, Kenya on 29-31 July, 2019. Organized by FAO’s Emergency and Resilience Division and the Agricultural Development...

While it only accounts for less than 3.4 percent of exports, a distant second after mining, cashmere could bring far greater wealth to Mongolia. The government last year prioritized this issue by launching the National Cashmere Programme to improve its...

Sustainable Livestock is no longer an option but an imperative. One has to excuse the tricky title but in times of information overload, some topics need a little push-up. Nobody who had a glimpse of Mongolia would deny the critical role...