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The Right to Food Guidelines and Indigenous People: an Operational Guide

Authors: Lidija Knuth (FAO Right to Food Team)

Right to Food Study, 2009.

This Guide aims to assist indigenous peoples and their organizations on how to use the Voluntary Guidelines to promote their own interests in the area of food security. It also intends to increase awareness and improve understanding among development workers as well as United Nations staff, government officials and indigenous peoples themselves, of linkages between issues affecting indigenous peoples and the Right to Food Guidelines.

The Guide is thus mainly about using the Right to Food Guidelines as an instrument to advocate and lobby in favour of indigenous peoples’ interests.

Доступно на: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i0839e.pdf

Категория: Исследования
Ключевые слова: Moниторинг, Целевые показатели, Meтодологии, Политика, Продовольственная безопасность и питание

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