Сохранить продовольствие – глобальная инициатива по сокращению продовольственных потерь и пищевых отходов

SAVE FOOD Meeting 2016

26 September 2016
Madrid, Spain

Following the extremely successful first SAVE FOOD Meeting at Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland last year, the second edition is now being held on 26 September in Spain, at the Ateneo de Madrid. The co-organizers are the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club along with the Spanish industrial association AECOC.

Once again, even in the interpack-free year of 2016, the Meeting serves as a gathering point for what are now more than 140 partners from industry and several hundred NGOs and research Institutes, which are registered at the FAO (UN Food and Agricultural Organization) in the SAVE FOOD Network. The event is devoted to the issues of food waste and loss in relation to the various stages of the food value-added chain. In addition, the corresponding political parameters will also be examined. Save the date fpr Outlook and ical


Further resources

SAVE FOOD Meeting unveils bountiful private sector opportunities for reducing Food Loss and Waste

SAVE FOOD Meeting @ Nestlé 2015

SAVE FOOD Congress 2014