Mecanización Agrícola Sostenible

Paddy dryer demonstration in Sri Lanka


On 21 September 2020 to support paddy farmers in Anuradhapura district, FAO together with the government of Sri Lanka conducted a field demonstration on sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM). Methods on hiring and using a 4-wheel tractor powered mobile paddy dryer was introduced and made available through the hub. 

The traditional method includes sun-drying rice by using roads or threshing floors. This is primarily done by female farmers - is labor intensive and time consuming. The traditional method is also costly as farmers must pay for transportation and rent for drying areas. Due to this intensive and difficult drying method, farmers are obliged to sell rice with reduced prices before peak harvesting time.

Adopting the use of SAM equipment reduces rice drying time, money and labor. As well as increases food quality and minimizes food losses and drudgery for women. 

In the long-term not only will this help develop a farmers’ and rural entrepreneurs’ capacity, but it will also help small rural entrepreneurs create a business using SAM.  

This was all made possible through the collaboration between the government of Sri Lanka and FAO projects supported by Germany. 

Learn more about the projects.