Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Belo Horizonte redistributes surplus food through its food bank

Auteur: FAO, EStà, City of Belo Horizonte
Publié par: FAO

In the framework of the national programme “Zero Hunger” promoting the right to food in Brazil, Belo Horizonte created a food bank programme which redistributes food surplus or non-marketable food to people in need through partnerships with nonprofit social associations. Additionally, the food bank receives donations through the public Food Acquisition Programme (PAA), which buys food from – and thus support- small-scale food producers of the region.

Thème: Food loss and waste
Organisation: FAO
Auteur: FAO, EStà, City of Belo Horizonte
Année: 2018
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Pays): Brazil
Région: Latin America and the Caribbean
Format de ressource: Document
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