
Due to the requirements of organic production in terms of soil quality, water management, climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation, the organic banana supply is naturally limited. However, demand and production have been growing in recent years, resulting in an 18% increase of the organic banana-cultivated area between 2008 and...
Fair trade is a way of trading products that aims to ensure that producers – in particular smallholders – receive a fair price and a secure livelihood. It mainly applies to goods produced for the international export market such as bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, tea or sugar. Since the late...
La República Dominicana es el mayor productor mundial de banano orgánico, representando más del 55% de la producción mundial de banano orgánico. A pesar de ser un jugador relativamente pequeño en el mercado bananero mundial, la República Dominicana se destaca como su fuente más importante de banano orgánico, por lo...
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) are "practices that address environmental, economic and social sustainability for on-farm processes, and result in safe and quality food and non-food agricultural products". GAP are particularly important in the banana industry, not only for sustainability of production and minimization of environmental impact, but also to ensure...
This manual presents how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Banana Value Chain,known as “EX-ACT B-VC”, to provide a multi-impact appraisal in terms of socio-economic and environmental assessment for the banana value chain analysis. It also introduces the major challenges in the banana sector, the recent World Banana Forum...