Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines, 22-26 February 2016
The 26th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission was organized in conjunction with the third Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2016, in Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines, 22-26 February 2016.
The Republic of the Philippines' Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) co-hosted the event.
Growing Our Future!
The main theme of APFW 2016 is Growing Our Future!
This theme reflects the need for society to proactively integrate forestry into the wider context of sustainable development. The theme also explicitly suggests that forestry should no longer be seen as a separate extractive renewable sector, but rather encompasses a holistic approach to an integrated and sustainable development paradigm, under which economic, social and environmental objectives are equally addressed.
Five sub-thematic streams include:
- Pathways to prosperity: Future trade and markets
- Tackling climate change: challenges and opportunities
- Serving society: forestry and people
- New institutions, new governance
- Our green future: green investment and growing our natural assets
Find out more about the thematic streams.
About Asia-Pacific Forestry Week
APFW 2016 was the third Asia-Pacific Forestry Week following events held in Hanoi, Viet Nam in April 2008 and Beijing, China in November 2011. Each of these events attracted in excess of 700 participants and encompassed around 40 individual workshops, seminars and other events.
APFW 2016 was attended by 1300 participants, including over 200 delegates from 28 member countries and representatives and observers from 23 United Nations and regional and international inter-governmental and nongovernmental organizations, The Week hosted around 70 events and workshops.
As in the previous forestry weeks, APFW 2016 was supported by many other partners and collaborators including government, civil society, research and capacity-building organizations, private sector, and programme agencies.
Watch the opening ceremony and opening plenary session online. A short video recap can be found here.
About the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
Created in 1949, the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) is one of six Regional Forestry Commissions established by FAO to provide a policy and technical forum for countries to discuss and address forest issues on a regional basis. It meets every two years.
FAO encourages wide participation of government officials from forestry and other sectors as well as representatives of international, regional and subregional organizations that deal with forest-related issues in the region, including NGOs, and the private sector.