Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 23. After decreasing for nearly a decade, hunger is once again on the rise. The major drivers behind this reversal – especially in low- and middle-income countries – are...
Disponible sur:English
Una herramienta para priorizar inversiones en el marco de la Iniciativa Mano de la mano
Étude technique, 2022
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 22. En este escrito se ha realizado un análisis de tipologías de microrregiones para identificar y diferenciar las regiones del Ecuador con potencialidades y problemáticas...
Disponible sur: Español
Expanding beef and dairy sectors, while reducing deforestation risks
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 21. The study unpacks the potential, current and future, linkages between beef and dairy development and deforestation, using Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces in Viet Nam as case...
Disponible sur:English
Obstacles and opportunities
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 20. Lebanon currently faces one of the worst economic crises of this century. The political deadlock, the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have further intensified the country’s existing...
Disponible sur:English
Un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay
Étude technique, 2022
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 19. Paraguay mostró un crecimiento económico importante entre el 2010 y el 2019, a pesar de cierta contracción en el 2019, en el cual la...
Disponible sur: Español
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Studies, No. 18. Structural change is a process in which the amount of labour, capital and land dedicated to agriculture (and other sectors) changes over time. In this study, we focus...
Disponible sur:English
The case of rice processors in Kenya
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 17. This study looks at the business models of small and medium-sized rice processors in Kenya in order to better understand the policy and technical support they need to...
Disponible sur:English
An analysis of prospective scenarios for Uganda
Étude technique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 16. This study highlights how, through a series of scenarios, public investments promoting agricultural productivity in Uganda could drive growth in agrifood production, with favourable impacts on the economy, on...
Disponible sur:English
National poverty profile
Étude technique, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 15. Identifying the pathways through which agricultural investments can be sustainable and inclusive requires assessments of the poverty, livelihoods and food security situation of the populations likely to be...
Disponible sur:English
A multi-country analysis
Étude technique, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 14. Transport infrastructure and logistics, not least domestic food transport networks, are an integral part of agrifood systems, and play a fundamental role in ensuring physical access to food....
Disponible sur:English
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