Institute for Scientific and Technical Information ( TECHINFORMI )
L’Institut TECHINFORMI constitue un centre d’information scientifique interdisciplinaire et pluridisciplinaire, qui assure les services d’information les plus divers aux scientifiques de la Géorgie tout entière. TECHINFORMI est la principale organisation de Géorgie dont les missions essentielles comportent le soutien aux échanges d’informations et de connaissances scientifiques et techniques. L’objectif principal de l’Institut est d’être le reflet du potentiel scientifique de la Géorgie dans son ensemble, ainsi que de diffuser les produits scientifiques, de former et développer des ressources d’information scientifique, de soutenir l’information au service de la science et de l’éducation et d’assurer des services d’analyse et de scientométrie. Depuis le début des années 1990 l’Institut est chargé de représenter la Géorgie dans différents réseaux et communautés internationaux.
Connexes activités

Roundtable on AGRIS and AGROVOC in Georgia: results and future achievements
On Friday 12 November 2021 at 16:00 GMT+4, with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an online workshop on AGRIS and FAO...

New online seminar on AGRIS and AGROVOC organized by Institute TECHINFORMI and the Georgian Technical University
Increasing the visibility and accessibility of agricultural data produced in Georgia through AGRIS and the use of AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus On...

Online seminar on AGRIS and AGROVOC organized by Institute TECHINFORMI
Increasing the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and...

AGROVOC Community of Editors: Georgia
The Institute Techinformi of the Georgian Technical University is the largest provider of information services in Georgia. The institute collects...

AGROVOC : სურსათისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის სფეროს ურთიერთდაკავშირებული ცნებების ჰაბი
ბროშურაში წარმოდგენილია კონტროლირებადი ლექსიკონი და თეზაურუსი AGROVOC-ი, რომელიც მოიცავს FAO- ს საქმიანობის ყველა სფეროს, აადვილებს ამ მონაცემების...