مقاومة الميكروبات للأدوية



26 November

[WAAW 2020] Semana mundial de concienciación sobre el uso de antimicrobianos basado en la estrategia One Health
Virtual event. Organized by PAHO Colombia

24 November

Stemming the tide of Antimicrobial Resistance. Investing in a One Health approach
Organized by FAO/OIE/WHO and the EU
[Event page]

DVS and Veterinary Association of Malaysia “Increase biosecurity level and antimicrobial usage awareness in small and medium scale livestock farms in Malaysia”
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 5521 5466 | Passcode: 506066

(RAP) Tripartite WAAW Celebration: “United to preserve antimicrobials”
Virtual Meeting, (14.00—15.30 ICT)
[Register] [Livestream link]

[WAAW Africa] AMR as part of training curricula for students
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (10:00 – 13:00 EAT)

Antimicrobial resistance: A sustained One Health response for a sustainable global future
16.00-17.00 (CEST)

23-24 November

[WAAW 2020] Technical Seminar on Aquaculture Biosecurity: Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Aquaculture 
In cooperation with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)

23 November

[WAAW Africa] The role of civil society and grassroots organizations in AMR control
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (10:00 – 13:00 EAT)

Action and partnership on AMR to ensure a coordinated One Health approach in Europe and Central Asia
Organized by FAO/OIE/WHO

[WAAW] Innovation webinar: Launch of the AMR Behaviour Change Community of Practice
Organized by FAO (11:00 – 14:00 CET)

(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series
Part 3: Research, Development, and Innovation
Virtual Meeting, (10.00—12.00 PHST)

(RAP) FAO-FAVA-DLD-TVMA-VNU bi-lingual webinar: Biosecurity towards infection prevention and improved livelihoods
Virtual Meeting, (13.30—16.30 ICT)

21 November

[WAAW Africa] Twitter chat: How can we improve awareness for antimicrobial resistance in Africa?
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (Follow #AfricaWAAW on Twitter 19:30 EAT)
[How to participate]

20 November

[WAAW Africa] Africa Country Experiences on AMR
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (10:00 – 13:00 EAT)

(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series
Part 2: Infection Prevention and Control and Optimizing the Use of Antimicrobials
Virtual Meeting, (10.00—12.00 PHST)

The Launch of the Global Leaders Group (GLG) on AMR: Press Conference of the Tripartite DGs
15:00 CET (Geneva time)
[Live stream]


[WAAW 2020] Foro: Reunión Técnica Internacional Uso Racional de Antimicrobianos con enfoque de Una Salud
Virtual event. Organized by PAHO Peru – DIGEMID MINSA

19 November

[WAAW Africa] What is understood about AMR in Africa
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (10:00 – 13:00 EAT)

Webinar on strengthening Indonesian veterinarians’ understanding on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS)
Virtual Meeting, (9.00—17.00 WIB)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 725 232 0569 | Passcode: AMRPDH202

(PHILIPPINES) AMR Surveillance Forum
(13.00—15.00 PHST)


[WAAW 2020] AMR in Latin America and the Caribbean: innovations and challenges
Virtual event. Organized by PAHO and Florida International University

18 November

[WAAW Africa] Kick-off event for Africa and Press Briefing with the Regional Directors 
Organized by AU/FAO/OIE/WHO/UNEP (10:00 – 13:00 EAT) 

Semana mundial de concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020 “Maneja con cuidado los antimicrobianos”
Organizado por el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Animal de Costa Rica (SENASA)

Antibiotic Awareness Week Symposium Joint Meeting of Tripartite Working Group
Organized by FAO/OIE/WHO

(PHILIPPINES) WAAW 2020 Virtual Media Forum
Virtual Meeting, (13.00—14.15 PHST)

(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series
Part 1: AMR Awareness and Advocacy
Virtual Meeting, (10.00—12.00 PHST)


[WAAW 2020] Semana mundial de concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020 “Maneja con cuidado los antimicrobianos”
Virtual event. Organized by SENASA, Costa Rica


[WAAW 2020] Comité Multisectorial para enfrentar la Resistencia Antimicrobiana
Virtual event. Organized by the National AMR Multisectoral Committee in Peru on Food Safety and AMR.


[WAAW 2020] Semana Mundial de Concientización sobre el Uso de los Antibióticos en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria
Virtual event. Organized by SENASAG, Bolivia.


[WAAW 2020] Semana Mundial de Concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020
Virtual event. Organized by AGROCALIDAD, Ecuador

17 November

Antimicrobials in Livestock: from scrutiny to action in low-income countries
Virtual zoom meeting (14.00-16.00 CET)
[Event page


[WAAW 2020] Resistencia Antimicrobiana: Paraguay, avances y tareas pendientes
Virtual event. Organized by PAHO Paraguay

16 November

Tackling the dependence of EU food systems on antimicrobials 
Organized by the MEP Interest Group on AMR with participation of  Keith Sumption, Chief Veterinary Officer, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 
[Event page]

5-7 November

Organized by the Ohio State University
[Event page]

27 October

Webinar: Strengthening country capacities to control and monitor residues of veterinary drugs in food
Following the framework of the FAO Assessment Tool for Laboratory and AMR Surveillance Systems (ATLASS), a regional tool for assessing capacities on veterinary drug residues in food (RVDF) was developed with the intention of providing guidance to countries towards a stepwise, progressive improvement of their relevant capacities in residue monitoring. An initial piloting work in Singapore and Thailand was carried out. 
14.00-15.30 (ICT, BKK time)

15 October

Webinar: How can we improve data gathering on antimicrobial usage at national level? Lessons from Uganda
11:00-12:00 (GMT+2)
[Click here for further details

18 June

Webinar: Combating Antimicrobial Resistance amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
from 10 to 11:30 AM EDT

2–23 June

Online forum: Improving communications for AMR in Africa. How should we move forward? 
FAO Regional Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana
[Event page]

10 June

Webinar for English speakers: Covid-19 crisis: its potential impacts on antimicrobial usage (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the food and agriculture sector in Africa
09:00 - 10.30 AM Greenwich Mean Time
[Link: https://fao.zoom.us/j/92184015565] [Password: AMRAFRICA]

14 April

High-level interactive dialogue on Antimicrobial Resistance
Trusteeship Council Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York
[Event page]

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