26 November | [WAAW 2020] Semana mundial de concienciación sobre el uso de antimicrobianos basado en la estrategia One Health |
24 November | Stemming the tide of Antimicrobial Resistance. Investing in a One Health approach |
(RAP) Tripartite WAAW Celebration: “United to preserve antimicrobials” | |
[WAAW Africa] AMR as part of training curricula for students | |
Antimicrobial resistance: A sustained One Health response for a sustainable global future | |
23-24 November | [WAAW 2020] Technical Seminar on Aquaculture Biosecurity: Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Aquaculture |
23 November | [WAAW Africa] The role of civil society and grassroots organizations in AMR control |
Action and partnership on AMR to ensure a coordinated One Health approach in Europe and Central Asia | |
[WAAW] Innovation webinar: Launch of the AMR Behaviour Change Community of Practice | |
(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series | |
(RAP) FAO-FAVA-DLD-TVMA-VNU bi-lingual webinar: Biosecurity towards infection prevention and improved livelihoods | |
21 November | [WAAW Africa] Twitter chat: How can we improve awareness for antimicrobial resistance in Africa? |
20 November | [WAAW Africa] Africa Country Experiences on AMR |
(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series | |
The Launch of the Global Leaders Group (GLG) on AMR: Press Conference of the Tripartite DGs | |
| [WAAW 2020] Foro: Reunión Técnica Internacional Uso Racional de Antimicrobianos con enfoque de Una Salud |
19 November | [WAAW Africa] What is understood about AMR in Africa |
Webinar on strengthening Indonesian veterinarians’ understanding on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) | |
(PHILIPPINES) AMR Surveillance Forum | |
| [WAAW 2020] AMR in Latin America and the Caribbean: innovations and challenges |
18 November | [WAAW Africa] Kick-off event for Africa and Press Briefing with the Regional Directors |
Semana mundial de concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020 “Maneja con cuidado los antimicrobianos” | |
Antibiotic Awareness Week Symposium Joint Meeting of Tripartite Working Group | |
(PHILIPPINES) WAAW 2020 Virtual Media Forum | |
(PHILIPPINES) National AMR One Health Summit and Webinar Series | |
| [WAAW 2020] Semana mundial de concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020 “Maneja con cuidado los antimicrobianos” |
| [WAAW 2020] Comité Multisectorial para enfrentar la Resistencia Antimicrobiana |
| [WAAW 2020] Semana Mundial de Concientización sobre el Uso de los Antibióticos en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria |
| [WAAW 2020] Semana Mundial de Concientización sobre el uso de los Antimicrobianos 2020 |
17 November | Antimicrobials in Livestock: from scrutiny to action in low-income countries |
| [WAAW 2020] Resistencia Antimicrobiana: Paraguay, avances y tareas pendientes |
16 November | Tackling the dependence of EU food systems on antimicrobials |
27 October | Webinar: Strengthening country capacities to control and monitor residues of veterinary drugs in food |
15 October | Webinar: How can we improve data gathering on antimicrobial usage at national level? Lessons from Uganda |
18 June | Webinar: Combating Antimicrobial Resistance amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
2–23 June | Online forum: Improving communications for AMR in Africa. How should we move forward? |
10 June | Webinar for English speakers: Covid-19 crisis: its potential impacts on antimicrobial usage (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the food and agriculture sector in Africa |
14 April | High-level interactive dialogue on Antimicrobial Resistance |