One Health, One Future Against Antimicrobial Resistance

FAO hosted the inaugural Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform on behalf of the Quadripartite (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH)
In their first in-person gathering, members of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform arrived at FAO Headquarters on November 15-16, 2023, marking the inaugural Plenary Assembly. Open to all Platform members, this event set the stage for collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The meeting opened with strong video messages of encouragement from the leaders of the Quadripartite (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)). As facilitators of the Platform, the unwavering unity set a great example of the importance of collaboration under a One Health approach, encompassing all sectors and disciplines (human, animal, plant and the environment).
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu stressed that “the success of the Platform will depend on clear goals, an effective governance structure, visionary leadership, trust, transparency and the sustained engagement of Members to drive change”.
All these elements were directly addressed over the two-day agenda, as members discussed preparations for the upcoming United Nations General Assembly in 2024 and its high-level meeting on AMR, presented proposals on how to turn words into actions, and established governance structures.
Stakeholders from around the globe, representing governments, civil society, research, academia, private sector, financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations, the United Nations and its specialised agencies, took part in the Plenary Assembly. It was a real success that highlighted the benefits and need for truly collaborative solutions in the face of this global pandemic.
The inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee was organized on 16 November 2023, on the side-lines of the Plenary. Arshnee Moodley, CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub Lead, AMR Team Leader, Associate Professor, International Livestock Research Institute & University of Copenhagen and Michiel Peters, AMR Industry Alliance Secretariat Representative were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee respectively. The Steering Committee has equally approved the first Action Group on the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024 that should begin its works soon, given the urgency to catalyze stakeholder engagement for the process.
AMR is certainly not an easy topic to digest but it may affect anyone. That is why guests at FAO Headquarters with a live painting show and an exhibition titled “One Health, One Future: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Together” during the two-day event. The exhibition used cube-shaped totems to tell the story of AMR. It explained what AMR is, why it is a cause for concern, what each individual can do to prevent its spread, and what we can do together to tackle this global challenge. The painting creatively summarises this story in a large street-style art piece.
This week World AMR Awareness Week is celebrated, which is also a great opportunity to learn more about AMR, spread the word, and encourage the public, health workers, farmers and producers, agricultural and animal health professionals, and policy makers to adopt best practices to prevent the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections.
Everyone is invited to get involved! Check out the WAAW Campaign guide and other helpful materials here. If you would like to join any of FAO’s upcoming events, take a look at our calendar here.
Although the Plenary Assembly is over, this is just the beginning of the Platform’s work. With renewed fervour and the groundwork set, members will continue working together to catalyze global actions for turning the tide on AMR, for present and future generations alike.
Read more here.
See the Flickr album here.
Watch the webcast here, here and here.
Visit the Platform’s webpage and see who can join here.