FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Maps and atlases on agriculture in Myanmar

26/05/2008 Myanmar

New FAO website offers access to Digital Agricultural Atlas

Bangkok – FAO has launched a new website offering a wide range of data and information tools on agriculture in Myanmar.

The site contains downloadable digital and printed atlases, maps from the FAO-maintained GeoNetwork digital library, agroclimatic charts and crop calendars, and related agriculture, forestry and fisheries publications.

The site also includes the recently released 120-page Digital Agricultural Atlas of the Union of Myanmar, a collection of Geographical Information System (GIS)-derived maps, tabular data and related documents depicting political, physical and agricultural resources in Myanmar.

Since nearly four-fifths of Myanmar’s population earns its living from the land, raising crops, livestock and fish, reconstruction efforts following the devastating cyclone Nargis will be crucial.

“FAO is eager to provide its tools, data and analysis to all those involved in reconstruction efforts, in order to assist the people of Myanmar in rapidly rebuilding their livelihoods,” said Alexander Müller, Assistant Director-General.

“Detailed atlases and data constitute - more than ever before - an essential tool to quantify needs assessments and focus disaster relief operations,” said René Gommes, Senior Officer in the FAO Climate Change Group.

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