Afghanistan diaries

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Afghanistan diaries
by Azatullah Sahil - 09/06/2023

Take a look at the team's journey to work towards promoting the protection and sustainable use of natural resources while meeting society’s growing needs for decent and resilient livelihoods for local communities in Badghis.

Afghanistan diaries
by Modaser Islami - 20/08/2022

Modaser Islami, FAO National Communications Officer, has recently been on a humanitarian mission to the northern Balkh province of Afghanistan to talk to local people about the situation and FAO’s response to the humanitarian crisis.

Afghanistan diaries

Nessar Ahmad Khuram, FAO National Safeguards Officer, shares his experiences from a field mission to Baghlan and Kunduz provinces, where he spoke to farmers and rural residents who have been severely affected by flash flooding events.

Afghanistan diaries

Noor Ahmad Burhani, National Dairy Industry Development Specialist in Herat, shares his experiences from a recent mission to the capital of Ghor province, where a small pocket of “catastrophic” levels of food insecurity has been detected for the first time in the country.

Afghanistan diaries

Faridullah Sherzad, FAO National Soybean Trial and Seed Associate in Mazar-e-Sharif regional office, shares his experiences from a recent mission to Khan Abad district in Kunduz province. His story is a mix of disappointment, contentment and hope.

Afghanistan diaries
by Mumtaz Baryal - 20/02/2022

Mumtaz Baryal, FAO Local Social Mobilizer, participated in a joint UN humanitarian mission to assess the situation and monitor field activities in a former battlefield. He tells his experience listening to farmers and people supported by FAO with a backyard poultry package.
