Комиссия по генетическим ресурсам для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Второе совещание КГРППВСХ, выступающей в качестве Временного комитета по Международному договору о растительных генетических ресурсах для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Rome (Italy), 15/11/2004 - 19/11/2004


Report of the Second Meeting of the CGRFA acting as Interim Committee for the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

CGRFA/MIC-2/04/REP Corr.2

Corrigendum to document CGRFA/MIC-2/04/Rep: Report of the Second Meeting of the CGRFA acting as Interim Committee for the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Draft Provisional Agenda


Provisional Annotated Agenda and Time-table


Compilation and analysis of Governments' views on Compliance with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Preparation for consideration by the Governing Body of the Funding Strategy for the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

CGRFA/MIC-1/02/4 Corrigendum

Corrigendum to Document CGRFA/MIC-1/02/4: Draft Rules of Procedure for the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Report on the Status of the Global Crop Diversity Trust


Work Programme and Budget for adoption by the Governing Body


Draft Work Programme and Budget for the Interim Committee


Draft Financial Rules for the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


List of Documents See Appendix H of the Report (CGRFA-MIC-2/04/REP)


Report on progress and activities since the First Meeting of the Interim Committee, including cooperation with relevant international bodies


Statement of competence and voting rights submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States


List of delegates and observers See Appendix I of the Report (CGRFA-MIC-2/04/REP)


Preliminary report on work towards the assessment of patent data relevat to availability and use of material from the International Network of Ex-Situ Collections under the Auspices of FAO and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic for Food and Agricul