Evaluation at FAO

Youth at Work: reducing rural poverty in Mali

Evaluation of FAO’s Country Programme in Mali

The main purpose of this evaluation is to draw lessons from the implementation of the Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2018-2022 - the programming document defining the joint medium and long-term priorities identified by FAO and the Government of Mali, and to make recommendations for the development of the new programming cycle.

The current CPF covers the period 2018-2022 and aims to help build a Mali free from hunger and malnutrition. The priority areas of intervention of the programme are:

  1. Strengthening the resilience and social protection of populations vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity
  2. Sustainable intensification, diversification of production and development of agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries value chains in Mali
  3. Support to public institutions in the rural sector for the implementation of national policies.

What does the assessment cover?

  • The evaluation covers all of FAO's work in Mali during the period 2018-2022. Its purpose is to assess:
  • The relevance of the FAO country programme
  • The strategic positioning of the Organization in relation to other development actors
  • FAO's contribution to the three CPF priority areas.

The assessment also aims to identify good practices, causes of successes and failures, and potential areas of work for the next CPF.