Evaluation at FAO


Evaluation of FAO’s Country Programme in Namibia

FAO’s collaboration with Namibia is guided by the priorities set out in the Country Programming Framework (CPF), which was jointly developed by FAO and the Government of Namibia to steer FAO's partnership and assistance to the country.

The current CPF covering the period from 2019 to 2023 (extended to 2024), aligns with the Namibia’s developmental priorities and objectives as articulated in the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5). The CPF outlines four priority areas: 

  1. Strengthened policy, legal, strategic and institutional frameworks for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food security and nutrition
  2. Improved agricultural production, productivity, food safety and strengthened value chains 
  3. Strengthened capacity for land governance and natural resources management 
  4. Strengthened capacity for disaster risk reduction, resilience building and climate change adaptation and mitigation 

What will the evaluation cover? 

This formative review, will assess FAO's cooperation with Namibia to inform future programming and marks the first time the Office of Evaluation (OED) is assessing the FAO Namibia country portfolio 

Covering the period from 2019 to 2024, the review  will examine the Organization's strategic positioning and its contributions to FAO's identified priorities in the country. The review aims to assess FAO’s: 

  • FAO’s approach in Namibia to serve its unique needs as a middle-income country, including how priorities are defined and balanced and what influences shifted priorities and programming approaches from 2019 to 2024.   
  • Assessment of how FAO leverages its technical expertise and positions itself, to remain relevant compared to other development partners working in Namibia.   
  • Contributions to strengthening Namibia’s policy, legal, strategic, and institutional frameworks in its technical areas of work.   
  • Contribution to building resilience to recurrent emergencies and natural resource management 

Additionally, the review aims to identify key learnings, gaps in FAO's country programming, and potential areas for future work.