Cluster evaluation of resilience activities in Yemen
The evaluation aims to provide accountability for results achieved in specific priority areas to the Government of Yemen, FAO management, and resource partners.
What will the evaluation cover?
The evaluation will assess FAO’s contribution to resilience in the Yemen context, through four identified thematic areas considered priorities in Yemen’s programme (natural resource management (focusing on water), agriculture, livestock, and governance) through a cluster of projects implemented under two plans of actions (2018-2020 & 2022-2024). The cluster of projects have been purposefully selected for having emergency, resilience and longer-term interventions within a wider Humanitarian Development and Peace nexus approach.
Three overarching questions will guide the evaluation:
a) To what extent was the design and implementation of FAO’s work appropriate to achieve FAO’s objectives in Yemen?
b) What were the results (intended and unintended) of FAO’s work on natural resource management, agriculture, livestock and governance that contributed to resilience within an HDP nexus approach?
c) What are the factors, including FAO’s internal processes, that have facilitated and hindered the achievement of results and what learning can be applied to future programming in Yemen?