Evaluation at FAO

Evaluating sustainable pathways to climate resilience

Recent experiences from evaluations of IFAD, FAO, and GEF

Hybrid Event, 29/03/2023


Climate threats are increasing in frequency and intensity (such as floods, droughts, and cyclones), consequences of which disproportionately affect the most marginalized in the agricultural sectors. At the same time, agri-food systems account for more than one third of global greenhouse gas emissions that caused climate change (FAO 2021). Given that we have only seven years to meet the targets of the Agenda 2030, there is an urgent need to ensure that food security is attained along with strengthened resilience of people and ecosystems and, at the same time, that agri-food systems are transformed to be part of the solution.

Given this, it is imperative that evaluations of climate responses take into account environmental sustainability and, in particular, climate change. Very little evaluative experience is available in this area. To begin address this gap, we would like to bring to focus to recent evaluation efforts within UNEG that deal with this important issue.


S. Nanthikesan (IFAD) will discuss the highlights of the method and approach developed in the recent Thematic Evaluation of Climate Change adaptation to assess the effects on the eco system

Luisa Belli and Lis Pinero (FAO) will present the guidance being developed by OED to mainstream climate change into evaluations of agri-food systems interventions

Anupam Anand (GEF) will elaborate on the use of spatial technology to evaluate interventions at the nexus of climate change, environmental conservation, and development.