Evaluation at FAO

UNEG Evaluation Week 2018

07/05/2018 - 11/05/2018

FAO's South-South Cooperation project between China and Madagascar

This year the United Nations Evaluation Group will hold its annual meeting at FAO in Rome, on May 7-11. The event is jointly organized by the UN Rome-based agencies: FAO, IFAD and WFP.

UNEG week will host three events: a professional development seminar, a two-day workshop on the Exchange of Evaluation Practice (EPE) and a two-day Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The professional development seminar has been introduced this year as a novelty for EPE participants. It will take place on the first day of the week and will be structured around three topics of relevance to evaluation which emerged from a survey conducted among participants to the 2017 UNEG week:

  1. Approaches to Impact Evaluation
  2. Data visualization tools
  3. An introduction to the practice of SenseMaker.

The Evaluation Practice Exchange (8-9 May) will provide a unique forum for UNEG members to meet face-to-face to share experiences, best practices, lessons and knowledge in evaluation in a participatory manner, with a view to develop their expertise on specific subjects related to evaluation approaches and methodologies. The EPE will be structured around three main themes, covering relevant aspects: (1) Managing evaluations; (2) Evaluation principles; and (3) Evaluation methods. Under each theme, several topics will be interactively discussed in separate sessions, making use of participatory and innovative modalities and technologies. Watch the video below to learn more about the EPE sessions.

The Annual General Meeting (10-11 May) will provide an important business forum for reviewing UNEG’s current work and discussing its upcoming strategies and work programmes. Attendance will be limited to Directors and evaluation staff of UNEG member agencies and invited partners.

The EPE opening and closing sessions will be webcast and available online. For more information about the activities of the United Nations Evaluation Group, visit www.unevaluation.org