Souk aal souk
The market was established in 2013 through collaboration between the Environment and Sustainable Development Unit of the American University of Beirut and The Food Heritage Foundation; and is supported by Waterfront City Cares.
On average, 15 producers and farmers from across Lebanon regularly participate in Souk aal Souk, offering to the consumers a wide choice of traditional food, pastries, manakish, sweets, mouneh products, fresh juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, locally grown plants and flowers, handcrafts etc… The number of participants varies according to the space that is offered.
Editor: Environmental and Sustainable Development Unit of the American university of Beirut (ESDU)
Autor: Food Heritage Foundation
Organización: Environmental and Sustainable Development Unit of the American university of Beirut (ESDU)
Año: 2015
País(es): Lebanon
Cobertura geográfica: Cercano Oriente y África del Norte
Tipo: Estudio de caso
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Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English