Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Bangladesh: Poverty Amidst Plenty

Only comprehensive policy interventions and targeted initiatives can address systemic inequalities and ensure equitable development in the fisheries sector of Bangladesh. The fisheries sector has emerged as a significant contributor to Bangladesh’s economy and food security. With abundant water resources and strategic policies, Bangladesh has become a leading producer in the...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Technical paper
Farmers’ adoption on potato zero-tillage and straw mulching in the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh

Key messages • Potato zero-tillage and rice straw mulching (PZTM) was introduced in the fallow season as a strategy for climate adaptation in Khulna where potato is a new crop to grow.• 56% (239 HHs) of the intervention households adopted PZTM in the following cropping season without any subsidies or...
2024 - International Potato Center

Journal article
Why building participatory dashboards is key for sustainable food system transformation

In recent years, numerous examples of food system dashboards have been developed with the goal of offering users the opportunity to monitor or assess (their) national food systems. One of the many challenges faced by these initiatives has been to strike an acceptable balance between the complexity, local-specificity, and multi-sectoral...
Bangladesh - Ethiopia - Honduras
2024 - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations covers major innovations and research in organic agriculture from 18 countries and areas around the world. This edition showcases the diversity and robustness of the growth of organic agriculture around the world. More than seventy innovators and researchers contribute to this edition which covers themes from climate...
Bangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Japan - Kyrgyzstan - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Viet Nam
2024 - IFOAM Organics Asia

Fact sheet
Developing Gender Transformative Approaches to Strengthen Women’s Land Rights in Bangladesh. Foundational Gender Analysis

Gender Transformative Approaches address root causes of gender inequality by fostering lasting changes in decision-making and resource control, offering a strategic framework to enhance women’s empowerment in accessing and managing land and production means, as well as natural resources.

CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia

Annual Technical Report 2023
In 2023, the CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) addressed the nexus of poverty, social inequities, malnutrition, environmental degradation, and climate change through research and innovation. Collaborating with 10 CGIAR Research Initiatives, engaging with five bilateral projects aligned with Initiative goals, and partnering with two...
Bangladesh - India - Nepal - Pakistan
2024 - CGIAR

Policy brief/paper
Understanding informal agrifood trade between India and Bangladeshs benefit from the proportion of tropical forest regardless of its edge length

An analytical framework
Informal trade Informal cross-border trade plays a major role in the BIMSTEC region, given the shared borders between member countries such as India with Bangladesh and Nepal. Informal trade is defined through the exchange process and consists of unrecorded trade flows that escape official statistics. “Informality” refers to the nature of the...
Bangladesh - India
2024 - IFPRI

Newsletter article
Bangladesh: A Perpetual Struggle

The shocks from climate change have reduced incomes and adversely affected the livelihoods of fisher communities in Bangladesh
Often called the Land of Rivers, Bangladesh boasts a remarkable riverine landscape that has nurtured a flourishing fisheries sector. With about 230 rivers crisscrossing it, the country is one of the world’s largest deltas along with the world’s largest flooded wetland. The fisheries industry is a vital pillarof the national...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

ICSF's Brochure on Social Development and Fishing Communities

This brochure contains the challenges and recommendations from the eight countrie’s case studies on ‘Social Development and Sustainable Fisheries’ conducted by ICSF in Antigua and Barbuda, Costa Rica, Ghana, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Brazil, Thailand and India (Kerala/Tamil Nadu and West Bengal). The ICSF’s studies uses the parameters of social development, within...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Costa Rica - Ghana - India - Philippines - Thailand
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

SAMUDRA Report No.91, June 2024

The Triannual Journal of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers
The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has just published the latest issue of SAMUDRA Report, its triannual journal on fisheries, communities and livelehoods. The current edition, SAMUDRA Report No. 91, dated June 2024, is a Special Issue that runs into 110 pages and features a diverse range of...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Canada - Chile - China - Costa Rica - France - Ghana - India - Japan - Nicaragua - Senegal - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United States of America - Viet Nam
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Blog article
The invisibility of women’s labor in Bangladesh’s agriculture

Gole Nur Begum, a mother of three daughters and one son, has been farming for over a decade. Her journey began with support from an agricultural supervisor from the Department of Agriculture Extension. Today, she cultivates a variety of crops, including vegetables, lentils, sunflowers, and paddy. In her own words,...
2024 - International Water Management Institute, IWMI

Newsletter article
Asia: The gendered economy of dried fish

Being conducted in six countries across South and Southeast Asia, the Dried Fish Matters project is a first-ever exploration of the gendered social economy of dried fish
Dried Fish Matters: Mapping the Social Economy of Dried Fish in South and Southeast Asia for Enhanced Wellbeing and Nutrition, or DFM, is a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant project. The project spans a duration of eight years: 2018-2026, and involves research in six focus...
Bangladesh - Cambodia - India - Myanmar - Sri Lanka - Thailand
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Forgotten Foods Cooking Contest: Dry Meat with Bou Khuda (Bangladesh)

Dry Meat with Bou Khuda Prepared by Joshna Begum Gram Unnayan Songostha (GRAUS) #Bangladesh The main ingredient of this dish is rice processed using a husking pedal. It also contains sun-dried meat (beef), which was how people in the old days preserve meat. Due to the availability of electricity, most...
2023 - Asia Pacific Farmers

Journal article
Farmer’s Perception and Factors Influencing Adoption of Adaptation Measures to Cope with Climate Change: An Evidence from Coastal Bangladesh

Farmers in the south-west coastal Bangladesh are frequently affected by climate change due to their proximity to the Bay of Bengal and heavy reliance on agriculture for their livelihoods. In this case, farmers need to know the best implementation methods (adaptation strategies) to reduce crop losses in a changing climate....
2023 - Jashore University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

Blog article
Online certification system rolled out to simplify fish and seafood trade

All necessary licences and product inspection certificates for fish and seafood imports and exports will now be available online. It is expected that the initiative will make the import-export process of fish and fishery products in Bangladesh even more convenient and increase their acceptability in the global market, according to service...
2023 - The Business Standard

Social Development and Sustainable Fisheries: Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s small-scale fisheries is going through a phase of multidimensional challenges. There is a lack of grassroot associations and organizations which affiliates fishers and protect their interests. The current study found that one of the root causes of all problems for sustainable and small-scale fisheries in the country stem from...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Journal article
Effects of conservation farming practices on agro-ecosystem services for sustainable food security in Bangladesh

In South Asia, the long-term provision of agro-ecosystem services is threatened by accelerating climate change and undesirable farming practices. Conservation farming could help ensure sustainable ecosystem services and food security. This study was conducted in nine purposively selected districts in west and northwest Bangladesh. Data on conservation farming practices were...
2023 - Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Bangladesh

Setting up an integrated farm

By installing an integrated farm, you can produce something on every inch of land, while reducing waste and buying fewer inputs. Draw a map of your farm and decide where to grow what crops, trees and vegetables, based on your knowledge of which crops need sun and which grow in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Blog article
Community-Based Rice Seed Entrepreneurship Model in Northern Bangladesh

Food security is paramount in Bangladesh, which has a high population density (1329 people per km2) and poverty rate (18.7%). Seed is a critical input in agriculture. The timely use of quality seeds of potential varieties can increase yields by up to 25%. Currently, about 46% of the farmers in...
2023 - AESA

Farmers’ Understanding about Impact of Climate Change on Cropping Systems and Nutrition: A study on Dingaputa Haor of Netrakona District in Bangladesh

With a view to creating an inventory of the existing climatic and nutritional condition of the haor (low-lying land) areas along with their cropping systems, this research was carried out in the Dingaputa haor of the Netrakona district of Bangladesh. The main objective was to study the farmers’ concept of climate change issues and...
2023 - Sustainability
Total results:135
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